Ignite Your Passion for Sport

Transform Young People into Stars

About K12Stars Academy

At K12Stars Academy, we believe in the power of sport to develop not just athletes, but also leaders of tomorrow. 

Our courses are meticulously designed to develop sporting skills and vital competencies such as leadership, responsibility and teamwork. Join us on our journey to nurture promising youngsters and watch them grow into shining stars.

k12Stars Academy

Creating Champions On 
  and Off the Field.

coaches 1:

for Success +

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

coaches 2:

for Success +

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

coaches 3:

for Success +

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

coaches 1: Foundation for Success + 

COACHes 01

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

Parents and

Kids Growing Together + 


Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.


Player Personality + 


Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

coaches 1: Foundation for Success + 

COACHes 01

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

call to action (desarrollar texto aqui)

Coaches 1: (FFS) Foundation for Success

Enhance your ability to guide and motivate as a coach. Learn effective training strategies and how to inspire holistic development in young athletes.

Coaches 2: (MTP) Maximizing Team Performance

Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien.

Coaches 3: (IRM) Importance of Role Model

Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien.

Parent 1: (PKGT) Parents and Kids Growing Together

Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien.

Player 1: (BPP) Building Player Personality

Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien


Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien


Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien

Join Now

Proin fermentum cursus urna, id auctor dolor. Proin ac tristique ex eget blandit justo. Fusce id semper sem.
